
These convert days

发布时间:2019-03-06 10:00:41

First of all,I want to talk about my English class.I love learning English but this atmosphere of my English class is so bad.Because the teacher so zealous,we are so depressing.I want to answer teacher's question enthusiastically,but all of us so silent that i didn't have a courage to answer.I know it's not an ashamed to answer the question,however,i think i am so timid.I don't know how to deal with it.

Secondly,yesterday i made an appointment with my friend to go to library.When we arrived library i checked my phone.My monitor have sent a feixin which is telling us."Don't forget to go to class today."We all think we don't have a class today.So disgusting.

Tirdly,the most importance things i want to say is that i am suffering the convert days recently.My friend huangshiting and me decided to go to liberary bacause we both have our target.She wants to pass the civil servant exam,i want to pass my CET4.But wo don't want to tell our roommates.We do that they do waht.If we tell them we go to liberary for study.They absolutely will go with us.It's so bothering.We don't have any reasons to cheat them.Whatever,srewed them.These convert days

First of all,I want to talk about my English class.I love learning English but this atmosphere of my English class is so bad.Because the teacher so zealous,we are so depressing.I want to answer teacher's question enthusiastically,but all of us so silent that i didn't have a courage to answer.I know it's not an ashamed to answer the question,however,i think i am so timid.I don't know how to deal with it.

Secondly,yesterday i made an appointment with my friend to go to library.When we arrived library i checked my phone.My monitor have sent a feixin which is telling us."Don't forget to go to class today."We all think we don't have a class today.So disgusting.

Tirdly,the most importance things i want to say is that i am suffering the convert days recently.My friend huangshiting and me decided to go to liberary bacause we both have our target.She wants to pass the civil servant exam,i want to pass my CET4.But wo don't want to tell our roommates.We do that they do waht.If we tell them we go to liberary for study.They absolutely will go with us.It's so bothering.We don't have any reasons to cheat them.Whatever,srewed them.These convert days


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本文标题:These convert days



