so many things upset me
发布时间:2019-03-06 10:55:51
These days so many things upset me.Such as,learning pressure,friends problem.Especially,friends problem.I think i can't trust my college's friends.They are all false.I think i can't sincerely make friend with them.Particularly she who is called Shelly.I don't like her because of her selfish.I even hate her.
The more i know her the more i think she is a selfish girl,and even at this point. Whatever she do i hate her.I know it's my problem,but i don't know how to deal with this friendship.
Till now i don't know what i should do in the future.I'm so confused.I just love to learn new language so i love English.But i always stay in this way.I very want to go aboard for study.But i don't have enough money to challenge it.
So,till now i think my target is to pass the CET4 and my Driving test.I will try my best to study.
Put aside all unhappy things,and keep trying to no matter how hard it is.It will get easier.In addition to ignore those who try to discourage you.
I will do my best to keep my words.And i will write English diary everday no matter how short it is.
These days so many things upset me.Such as,learning pressure,friends problem.Especially,friends problem.I think i can't trust my college's friends.They are all false.I think i can't sincerely make friend with them.Particularly she who is called Shelly.I don't like her because of her selfish.I even hate her.
The more i know her the more i think she is a selfish girl,and even at this point. Whatever she do i hate her.I know it's my problem,but i don't know how to deal with this friendship.
Till now i don't know what i should do in the future.I'm so confused.I just love to learn new language so i love English.But i always stay in this way.I very want to go aboard for study.But i don't have enough money to challenge it.
So,till now i think my target is to pass the CET4 and my Driving test.I will try my best to study.
Put aside all unhappy things,and keep trying to no matter how hard it is.It will get easier.In addition to ignore those who try to discourage you.
I will do my best to keep my words.And i will write English diary everday no matter how short it is.
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- 1女生感人日志
- 2阳光总在风雨后
- 3付出才有收获
- 4见与不见
- 5谁的等待,适逢花开
- 6你的笑容使我着迷
- 790后,请骄傲地说“我是非主流”
- 8上班无聊的一点碎碎念
- 9流年绽放的青春
- 10人生漫笔
- 1人生如风,匆匆而过
- 2量力而行,全力以赴
- 3经典内涵笑话
- 4我怎么丢掉了你
- 5茶香情思
- 6男人告白:我爱会撒娇的老婆
- 7其实、你根本不懂我。
- 8悼
- 9谁的心中不曾有远方
- 10猪,你的鼻子有两个孔