发布时间:2019-09-21 22:56:36
They say the passage of time will heal all wounds.他們說時間能治愈所有傷口
but the greater the loss.但失去的越多
the deeper the cut.傷口就越深
and the more difficult theprocess to become whole again.你也越難走出其中 徹底痊愈
The pain may fade,痛苦或許會消退
but scars serve as a reminder of our suffering但留下的傷疤卻時刻提醒着
and make the bearer all the more resolved我們曾經遭受的一切 讓我們更加毅然
never to be wounded again.不讓自己再受到傷害
So as time moves along,随着時間推移
we get lost in distractions,我們在誘惑中迷失
act out in frustration…在絕望中發洩
And before we know it,the time passes.不知不覺中時光流逝
we are healed,我們的傷口被治愈
ready to begin anew.準備迎接新的篇章
They say the passage of time will heal all wounds.他们说时间能治愈所有伤口
but the greater the loss.但失去的越多
the deeper the cut.伤口就越深
and the more difficult theprocess to become whole again.你也越难走出其中 彻底痊愈
but scars serve as a reminder of our suffering但留下的伤疤却时刻提醒着
and make the bearer all the more resolved我们曾经遭受的一切 让我们更加毅然
never to be wounded again.不让自己再受到伤害
So as time moves along,随着时间推移
we get lost in distractions,我们在诱惑中迷失
act out in frustration…在绝望中发泄
And before we know it,the time passes.不知不觉中时光流逝
we are healed,我们的伤口被治愈
ready to begin anew.准备迎接新的篇章
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