Proof that Girls are evil
发布时间:2019-02-19 09:56:22
1: First we state that girls require money and timeGirls = Time x Money2: And we all know: time is moneyGirls = Money x Money = Money ^23: And because money is the root of all evilMoney = Evil ^ 0.5Therefore:Girls = (Evil ^ 0.5) ^ 24: And we are forced to conclude thatGirls = EvilSee? I told you. :)--Whatever life brings you, bring it on!
1: First we state that girls require money and timeGirls = Time x Money2: And we all know: time is moneyGirls = Money x Money = Money ^23: And because money is the root of all evilMoney = Evil ^ 0.5Therefore:Girls = (Evil ^ 0.5) ^ 24: And we are forced to conclude thatGirls = EvilSee? I told you. :)--Whatever life brings you, bring it on!
你说过… 你的下半生是我的依靠 你说过… 我和你的缘是天生注定 你说过… 那手牵手一起走的老人是我们的以后 ...[全文阅读]
一 两个人其实已经分手很久了。 但因为是学生时代的爱情,所以就算分开也舍不得做仇人,加上共同的朋友太多,断断续续的还有些许联系。 ...[全文阅读]
夜风拂过幽窗, 呼呼作响, 黑夜里,我挽起落叶的枯黄, 收拢凌乱,邀影成双。 那一路途径的苍凉, 令明月花影两两相望。...[全文阅读]