A House Of Cards
发布时间:2019-09-30 21:38:45
A house of cards 紙牌堆成的房子
Is neat and small;潔淨及小巧
Shake the table,搖搖桌子
It must fall.它一定會倒。
Find the court cards 找出繪有人像的紙牌
One by one;一張一張地豎起
Raise it, roof it,再加上頂蓋
Now it‘s done;現在房子已經蓋好
Shake the table!搖搖桌子
That‘s the fun.那就是它的樂趣。
A house of cards 纸牌堆成的房子
Is neat and small;洁净及小巧
Shake the table,摇摇桌子
It must fall.它一定会倒。
Find the court cards 找出绘有人像的纸牌
One by one;一张一张地竖起
Raise it, roof it,再加上顶盖
Now it‘s done;现在房子已经盖好
Shake the table!摇摇桌子
That‘s the fun.那就是它的乐趣。
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本文标题:A House Of Cards
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