
Listen to the wind

发布时间:2019-08-22 00:52:43

At the beginning of heaven and earth天地混沌之時The wind was already exists風便是存在的This is saturated with the noise on the earth這被噪音所充斥的地球上There is also a voice竟也有一種聲響Just listen隻需側耳傾聽A gust of wind一陣清風

With the wind伴随這風In the spring I saw the earth recovery and all things grow春天裏 我看到大地複蘇 萬物生長In the summer I saw the willow branches danced in the air Lotus blossom夏天裏 我看到柳枝飛舞 菡萏綻放In the autumn I saw the fruit is ripe eyeful golden秋天裏 我看到累累碩果 遍地金黃In the winter I saw the snow in succession and the land is silver冬天裏 我看到銀裝素裹 大雪紛揚With the wind伴随着風Four seasons are slip away四季流轉

I don‘t think the wind is the wind我不知将風視爲風I think the wind is my bosom friend我将他視作知己Whisper in my ear他在耳邊細語Sometimes a sharp And sometimes softer Like water有時尖銳 有時溫柔似水

When you are in silent當你娴靜無語之時The wind is exists風便存在了just listen隻需側耳傾聽The wind is beautiful風聲美妙

At the beginning of heaven and earth天地混沌之时The wind was already exists风便是存在的This is saturated with the noise on the earth这被噪音所充斥的地球上There is also a voice竟也有一种声响Just listen只需侧耳倾听A gust of wind一阵清风

With the wind伴随这风In the spring I saw the earth recovery and all things grow春天里 我看到大地复苏 万物生长In the summer I saw the willow branches danced in the air Lotus blossom夏天里 我看到柳枝飞舞 菡萏绽放In the autumn I saw the fruit is ripe eyeful golden秋天里 我看到累累硕果 遍地金黄In the winter I saw the snow in succession and the land is silver冬天里 我看到银装素裹 大雪纷扬With the wind伴随着风Four seasons are slip away四季流转

I don‘t think the wind is the wind我不知将风视为风I think the wind is my bosom friend我将他视作知己Whisper in my ear他在耳边细语Sometimes a sharp And sometimes softer Like water有时尖锐 有时温柔似水

When you are in silent当你娴静无语之时The wind is exists风便存在了just listen只需侧耳倾听The wind is beautiful风声美妙

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本文标题:Listen to the wind


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