

发布时间:2011-11-14 22:27:14

What is definition of happiness? 托爾斯泰曾這麽說過:"幸福的家庭往往都一樣,而不幸的家庭卻各有各的不幸"! 幸福的意義,我們卻怎麽定義着???? Tolstoy ever said: "It is same for happy family, but have different adversity for unfortunate family"! How to definite the meaning of happiness? 小的時候,過年能穿新衣服,收到長輩的紅包,覺得是一種幸福… In the childhood, we can put on new clothes and receive a cash gift from eldership in the Chinese New Year. It is a kind of happiness… 讀書的時候,考試拿滿分,得到爸媽及老師的獎勵,覺得是一種幸福… In the school, gained the full mark and encouraged from parents and teachers after exam, It is a kind of happiness… 畢業的時候,收到高校的通知單,覺得是一種幸福… When graduation, received the requisition from college, it is a kind of happiness… 長大工作了,擁有一份好工作,深受公司領導的器重與栽培,是一種幸福… When grown up, having a good job, getting regard highly and growth from leader, it is a kind of happiness. 當婚立嫁的時候,找到自己真愛的伴侶,過着幸福快樂的生活,更是一種幸福… When we are married, meeting your true love and live happily, it is a kind of happiness. 其實,幸福有很多種,隻要你想幸福,你就可以幸福;隻要你認爲自己是幸福的,你就一定是幸福的。幸福到底是什麽呢?請你來诠釋! In fact, there are many kinds of happiness. If you want to be happy, you will be happy. As long as you think you are happy, then you must be happy. Please clearly explain what’s happiness at all?今天上班的路上,下着小雨,天氣有點冷,雨滴打在臉上還有點疼。忽地覺得開車上班的人真幸福。It was raining on my way to office.It was cold and the rain hit my face with a bit sore. It suddenly appeared to me that people are really happy to drive to work.我想,世界上所有的人都想經曆和擁有幸福。隻是不同的人對幸福有着不同的追求和向往,幸福感也各有不同。I consider that everyone would like to experience and possess of happiness. But one person is different from the other so they have different feeling on happiness.幸福是每個人自己的事,許多人爲自己不能像百萬富翁那樣享受生活而遺憾。其實幸福是樸實的,不一定是物質的。Happiness is a personal thing, and many people regret for they can not enjoy life like a millionaire.In fact, happiness is modest and has nothing to do with materials.我覺得幸福很簡單,隻要它能與心靈契合。你若餓了,面包是幸福;你若渴了,水是幸福;你若累了,床便是幸福。因此,幸福可以理解爲一種感覺。它不取決于人們的生活狀态,而取決于人的心态。I think happiness is very simple as long as it fit with our soul.If you hungry, bread is the well-being; if you thirsty, water is the well-being; if you are tired, the bed is the well-being. Thus, happiness can be understood as a feeling. It does not depend on people's living conditions, but on people's mindsets.社會的發展是快速而煩躁的,我們在這樣的環境中喪失了感覺幸福的能力。The development of our society is fast and irritable,and in such an environment we have lost the ability to feel happiness.爲了得到更多的錢,更大的房子,更高的職位,更好的條件,我們付出越來越多的時間、健康、自尊,感受到越來越多的壓力.In order to get more money, bigger houses, better jobs and conditions, we have paied more and more time, health and self-esteem and have got more and more pressure.我們總是看外界太多,而看自己的心靈太少,總是處于一種不平衡的心态,我們不知道我們真正想要的是什麽,卻總是在失去的時候感慨代價的昂貴。We always look at the outside world too much, but to see inner hearts too little, which leads to imbalance. We do not know what we really need and always exclaim the cost is expensive when losing .在這樣的思想意識下,我們不能發現自己的心靈所需,使得幸福成爲了一種奢侈品。In this ideology, we can not find our spiritual needs and the happiness has become a luxury thing.不管幸福是什麽,她都是我們每個平凡的人的内心期許。也許我們一輩子也理解不了,也得不到,那就從小事做起吧:幫助他人,孝敬父母,愛護家庭,保護環境,與人爲善~No matter what is happiness, it is each ordinary people's inner expectation. Perhaps we can not understand, then let's begin from small things: helping others, loving our parents and families, protecting the environment and doing good to others~這樣你也許會感到幸福!Then you might be happy!在獲得個人幸福的同時,也能給别人帶來幸福,那才是最大的幸福。It is the greatest happiness to give others happiness when getting personal happiness.
What is definition of happiness? 托尔斯泰曾这么说过:"幸福的家庭往往都一样,而不幸的家庭却各有各的不幸"! 幸福的意义,我们却怎么定义着???? Tolstoy ever said: "It is same for happy family, but have different adversity for unfortunate family"! How to definite the meaning of happiness? 小的时候,过年能穿新衣服收到长辈红包,觉得是一种幸福… In the childhood, we can put on new clothes and receive a cash gift from eldership in the Chinese New Year. It is a kind of happiness… 读书的时候,考试拿满分,得到爸妈及老师的奖励,觉得是一种幸福… In the school, gained the full mark and encouraged from parents and teachers after exam, It is a kind of happiness… 毕业的时候,收到高校通知单,觉得是一种幸福… When graduation, received the requisition from college, it is a kind of happiness… 长大工作了,拥有一份好工作,深受公司领导的器重与栽培,是一种幸福… When grown up, having a good job, getting regard highly and growth from leader, it is a kind of happiness. 当婚立嫁的时候,找到自己真爱的伴侣,过着幸福快乐的生活,更是一种幸福… When we are married, meeting your true love and live happily, it is a kind of happiness. 其实,幸福有很多种,只要你想幸福,你就可以幸福;只要你认为自己是幸福的,你就一定是幸福的。幸福到底是什么呢?请你来诠释! In fact, there are many kinds of happiness. If you want to be happy, you will be happy. As long as you think you are happy, then you must be happy. Please clearly explain what’s happiness at all?今天上班的路上,下着小雨,天气有点冷,雨滴打在脸上还有点疼。忽地觉得开车上班的人真幸福。It was raining on my way to office.It was cold and the rain hit my face with a bit sore. It suddenly appeared to me that people are really happy to drive to work.我想,世界上所有的人都想经历和拥有幸福。只是不同的人对幸福有着不同的追求和向往,幸福感也各有不同。I consider that everyone would like to experience and possess of happiness. But one person is different from the other so they have different feeling on happiness.幸福是每个人自己的事,许多人为自己不能像百万富翁那样享受生活而遗憾。其实幸福是朴实的,不一定是物质的。Happiness is a personal thing, and many people regret for they can not enjoy life like a millionaire.In fact, happiness is modest and has nothing to do with materials.我觉得幸福很简单,只要它能与心灵契合。你若饿了,面包是幸福;你若渴了,水是幸福;你若累了,床便是幸福。因此,幸福可以理解为一种感觉。它不取决于人们的生活状态,而取决于人的心态。I think happiness is very simple as long as it fit with our soul.If you hungry, bread is the well-being; if you thirsty, water is the well-being; if you are tired, the bed is the well-being. Thus, happiness can be understood as a feeling. It does not depend on people's living conditions, but on people's mindsets.社会的发展是快速而烦躁的,我们在这样的环境中丧失了感觉幸福的能力。The development of our society is fast and irritable,and in such an environment we have lost the ability to feel happiness.为了得到更多的钱,更大的房子,更高的职位,更好的条件,我们付出越来越多的时间、健康、自尊,感受到越来越多的压力.In order to get more money, bigger houses, better jobs and conditions, we have paied more and more time, health and self-esteem and have got more and more pressure.我们总是看外界太多,而看自己的心灵太少,总是处于一种不平衡心态,我们不知道我们真正想要的是什么,却总是在失去的时候感慨代价的昂贵。We always look at the outside world too much, but to see inner hearts too little, which leads to imbalance. We do not know what we really need and always exclaim the cost is expensive when losing .在这样的思想意识下,我们不能发现自己的心灵所需,使得幸福成为了一种奢侈品。In this ideology, we can not find our spiritual needs and the happiness has become a luxury thing.不管幸福是什么,她都是我们每个平凡的人的内心期许。也许我们一辈子也理解不了,也得不到,那就从小事做起吧:帮助他人,孝敬父母,爱护家庭,保护环境,与人为善~No matter what is happiness, it is each ordinary people's inner expectation. Perhaps we can not understand, then let's begin from small things: helping others, loving our parents and families, protecting the environment and doing good to others~这样你也许会感到幸福!Then you might be happy!在获得个人幸福的同时,也能给别人带来幸福,那才是最大的幸福。It is the greatest happiness to give others happiness when getting personal happiness.





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