Eternal love to
发布时间:2011-08-26 12:06:11
Love a little more. a little understand more about the eternal some ( i just want to the love that ) ~愛/多一點.吵/少一點/懂/多一點/在乎/永恒點(我隻想平凡的愛着)僅此而已~I don't want to tell you, i pay much, you should repay me, i was willing to give you all my love. i just hope my darling, don't let me love you the ~我不想對你說,我付出多少,你就要回報我多少,我甘心給你我所有的愛.隻希望親愛的,不要辜負我對你的愛/僅此~If we meet in the heaven, you remember me?如果在天堂遇見你,你還記不記得我是誰?If we meet in the heaven, do you like the past?如果在天堂遇見你,你是否還像過去? I must be strong, but i can not do it, i don't belong here. i belong to you.我必需堅強,但我做不到,我不屬于這兒,我隻屬于你。If we meet in the heaven, will you enclasp my hands? 如果在天堂遇見你,你會不會緊握我的手?If we meet in the heaven, won't you help me to be strong?如果在天堂遇見你,你會不會幫助我堅強?I will seek from the day and night, because i know i'll find you.我要尋找從黑夜到白晝的路,因爲我知道我要找到你。 Perhaps we can love two men and two men love. unfortunately, we can only with one of the old society.我們也許可以同時愛兩個人,又被兩個人所愛。遺憾的是,我們隻能跟其中一個厮守到老。Love someone, there will always be a little afraid lest he ; afraid of losing his.愛上一個人的時候,總會有點害怕,怕得到他;怕失掉他。You have not been love, you will appreciate in the future, the love you.你曾經不被人所愛,你才會珍惜将來那個愛你的人。In love with you, i feel the miss of separation of, and jealous of, and the endless possessive instinct. why you let me? all hearts vibrated why i'm always afraid of time and cannot be with your life?愛上了你,我才領略思念的滋味、分離的愁苦和妒忌的煎熬,還有那無休止的占有欲。爲什麽你的一舉一動都讓我心潮起伏?爲什麽我總害怕時光飛逝而無法與你終生厮守?Not deny that the world have pure love, but in the years to bring us suffering, the不否認這世界有純真的愛情,但在歲月給我們帶來的磨難,And our own sigh under和我們自己對自己的歎息之下Such feelings seemed to recede from us has been far away,這類的情感似乎離我們已經越來越遠了,Don't believe in the world what is eternity, the more beautiful flowers fall,不相信這個世界有什麽永恒,如那再美麗的花也會凋零,Be young at heart,再年輕的心也終會老去,Can do is perhaps the only in his own lifetime do not let themselves.或許唯一能做的是在屬于自己的有生之年做些讓自己不後悔的事。 (Eternal love to)(永欲愛河)
Love a little more. a little understand more about the eternal some ( i just want to the love that ) ~爱/多一点.吵/少一点/懂/多一点/在乎/永恒点(我只想平凡的爱着)仅此而已~I don't want to tell you, i pay much, you should repay me, i was willing to give you all my love. i just hope my darling, don't let me love you the ~我不想对你说,我付出多少,你就要回报我多少,我甘心给你我所有的爱.只希望亲爱的,不要辜负我对你的爱/仅此~If we meet in the heaven, you remember me?如果在天堂遇见你,你还记不记得我是谁?If we meet in the heaven, do you like the past?如果在天堂遇见你,你是否还像过去? I must be strong, but i can not do it, i don't belong here. i belong to you.我必需坚强,但我做不到,我不属于这儿,我只属于你。If we meet in the heaven, will you enclasp my hands? 如果在天堂遇见你,你会不会紧握我的手?If we meet in the heaven, won't you help me to be strong?如果在天堂遇见你,你会不会帮助我坚强?I will seek from the day and night, because i know i'll find you.我要寻找从黑夜到白昼的路,因为我知道我要找到你。 Perhaps we can love two men and two men love. unfortunately, we can only with one of the old society.我们也许可以同时爱两个人,又被两个人所爱。遗憾的是,我们只能跟其中一个厮守到老。Love someone, there will always be a little afraid lest he ; afraid of losing his.爱上一个人的时候,总会有点害怕,怕得到他;怕失掉他。You have not been love, you will appreciate in the future, the love you.你曾经不被人所爱,你才会珍惜将来那个爱你的人。In love with you, i feel the miss of separation of, and jealous of, and the endless possessive instinct. why you let me? all hearts vibrated why i'm always afraid of time and cannot be with your life?爱上了你,我才领略思念的滋味、分离的愁苦和妒忌的煎熬,还有那无休止的占有欲。为什么你的一举一动都让我心潮起伏?为什么我总害怕时光飞逝而无法与你终生厮守?Not deny that the world have pure love, but in the years to bring us suffering, the不否认这世界有纯真的爱情,但在岁月给我们带来的磨难,And our own sigh under和我们自己对自己的叹息之下Such feelings seemed to recede from us has been far away,这类的情感似乎离我们已经越来越远了,Don't believe in the world what is eternity, the more beautiful flowers fall,不相信这个世界有什么永恒,如那再美丽的花也会凋零,Be young at heart,再年轻的心也终会老去,Can do is perhaps the only in his own lifetime do not let themselves.或许唯一能做的是在属于自己的有生之年做些让自己不后悔的事。 (Eternal love to)(永欲爱河)
不想说什么,因为我不能说什么,你的沉默就像夜晚的大海,而我就是溺水的人,我拼命的想要游离你,最后却还是只能陷入无边的黑暗和刺骨的海水中。 -------题记...[全文阅读]
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本文标题:Eternal love to