在我心中,在我生命中!(In my heart, in my life )
发布时间:2020-06-24 00:44:57
Oh !baby 一顆心髒容量隻不過拳頭大小,親情瑣事占據剩下爲數不多的空間裝滿了對你的愛,那種無語言表強烈的感情形成我内心無法逾越的網,注定因此套牢,無法改變。Oh! baby!That takes a heart dirty capacity just fist-sized, affection trivia occupy the few remaining space filled with your love, that silence describe strong feelings form my heart can't the nets, destined to therefore Passover commitment, cannot be changed.非常喜歡現在的感覺,雖然與你遠隔千裏,可我心中還是謹記着屬于你我的愛情,baby,請告訴我那是真實的,請應允我這愛是永遠的!Very like feel right now, although with you over the longest distance, but my heart still remember to belong to you my love, baby, please tell me if it's true, please answer me this love is forever! 漫漫追愛路,原來也不是傳說中的那麽遙遠,此刻,我做到了,我不想去驗證它的真僞度,隻想讓它保持下去,至少在你厭倦的那一刻,我是絕不會使它破滅的。Long after love road, originally nor legendarily so far away, at this moment, I do, and I don't want to go to verify its authenticity degrees, just want to keep it down, at least you are tired of the moment, I never take it away. Baby,我不能給你豐富的物質生活,但我一定努力滿足你的需要。因爲心裏的那個人是你,我願傾盡所有讓你覺得這個世界上最幸福的女人是你。我想非常非常用心的了解你的生活,想給你無微不至的關懷,想在你生病的時候噓寒問暖,可,奈何,我無法做到這種體貼。Baby, I can't give you a rich material life, but I will make great efforts to meet your needs. Because of the heart that person is you, I wish exhausting let you feel this the happiest woman in the world is you. I want to understand you very attentively the life, want to give your thoughtfulness, thinking you are sick and attentive, but, but, I can't do this so considerate. 我習慣獨自一個人,但我也希望有個人愛我,即使不用語言去表達出來。我喜歡一個人走在小道上低着頭,腳下踢着碎石,耳朵内塞着耳麥,嘴裏叼着香煙,就一個人默默的走,一個方向,一直前行,直到無路可走爲止。我喜歡仰頭看着天空的雲朵,即使太陽照得眼睛睜不開。我喜歡一個人靜靜的坐在海岸的礁石上,看着小魚在水裏遊來遊去,用石塊劃過水面形成多多水花。其實,一個人的時候,心才是最靜的時候。My habit is alone, but I also hope to have personal love me, even without language to express. I like a man walking in the path is low head, feet kicking lithotripsy, ears, mouth stuffed inside the headset with a cigarette, just one person silently walk, a direction, has been walking, terrain permits so far. I like watching the clouds upward, even though the sun glare can't keep my eyes open. I like a man sitting quietly on the rock, watching the coast of the fish in the water swim to swim across the surface, with rocks formed many spray. In fact, a person's time, the heart is the most static. Baby,我不帥,還屬于三無階層,可愛你的心絕對真實,雖然它在當今社會毫無價值。我不知道所謂努力真的能否改變現狀,但我願意去嘗試,去努力,去改變現狀。也許需要一些時間,我不願勉強你等到我夢想成真的那天,可内心還是非常堅定的希望有那麽一天,幸福屬于我們的那天。Baby, I not handsome, also belong to 3 without the stratum, lovely your heart is absolutely true, although it in today's society has no value. I don't know whether so-called hard really change the status quo, but I want to try, to strive, to change the status quo. Maybe need some time, I don't want to force you wait until the day my dream come true, but heart still very firm wish someday, happiness belong to our day. 我很希望将來你是我的新娘,雖然說這些還尚早,事态也變化萬千,說句真實話,我對自己的信心還存于百分之50,這種事情不是注定的,所以希望與失望我無法定數。I really hope the future you is my bride, although it is too early to say these things also ever-changing, said sentence true words, my confidence in themselves also exist in 50 percent, the kind of thing that is not predestined, so hope and disappointment I cannot destiny. Baby,愛情雖然是現實社會最廉價的一種情感,請我們珍惜,讓它在你我之間變的完美。Baby, love although is realistic society the cheapest kind of emotion, please we cherish, let it between you and me become perfect.
Oh !baby 一颗心脏容量只不过拳头大小,亲情琐事占据剩下为数不多的空间装满了对你的爱,那种无语言表强烈的感情形成我内心无法逾越的网,注定因此套牢,无法改变。Oh! baby!That takes a heart dirty capacity just fist-sized, affection trivia occupy the few remaining space filled with your love, that silence describe strong feelings form my heart can't the nets, destined to therefore Passover commitment, cannot be changed.非常喜欢现在的感觉,虽然与你远隔千里,可我心中还是谨记着属于你我的爱情,baby,请告诉我那是真实的,请应允我这爱是永远的!Very like feel right now, although with you over the longest distance, but my heart still remember to belong to you my love, baby, please tell me if it's true, please answer me this love is forever! 漫漫追爱路,原来也不是传说中的那么遥远,此刻,我做到了,我不想去验证它的真伪度,只想让它保持下去,至少在你厌倦的那一刻,我是绝不会使它破灭的。Long after love road, originally nor legendarily so far away, at this moment, I do, and I don't want to go to verify its authenticity degrees, just want to keep it down, at least you are tired of the moment, I never take it away. Baby,我不能给你丰富的物质生活,但我一定努力满足你的需要。因为心里的那个人是你,我愿倾尽所有让你觉得这个世界上最幸福的女人是你。我想非常非常用心的了解你的生活,想给你无微不至的关怀,想在你生病的时候嘘寒问暖,可,奈何,我无法做到这种体贴。Baby, I can't give you a rich material life, but I will make great efforts to meet your needs. Because of the heart that person is you, I wish exhausting let you feel this the happiest woman in the world is you. I want to understand you very attentively the life, want to give your thoughtfulness, thinking you are sick and attentive, but, but, I can't do this so considerate. 我习惯独自一个人,但我也希望有个人爱我,即使不用语言去表达出来。我喜欢一个人走在小道上低着头,脚下踢着碎石,耳朵内塞着耳麦,嘴里叼着香烟,就一个人默默的走,一个方向,一直前行,直到无路可走为止。我喜欢仰头看着天空的云朵,即使太阳照得眼睛睁不开。我喜欢一个人静静的坐在海岸的礁石上,看着小鱼在水里游来游去,用石块划过水面形成多多水花。其实,一个人的时候,心才是最静的时候。My habit is alone, but I also hope to have personal love me, even without language to express. I like a man walking in the path is low head, feet kicking lithotripsy, ears, mouth stuffed inside the headset with a cigarette, just one person silently walk, a direction, has been walking, terrain permits so far. I like watching the clouds upward, even though the sun glare can't keep my eyes open. I like a man sitting quietly on the rock, watching the coast of the fish in the water swim to swim across the surface, with rocks formed many spray. In fact, a person's time, the heart is the most static. Baby,我不帅,还属于三无阶层,可爱你的心绝对真实,虽然它在当今社会毫无价值。我不知道所谓努力真的能否改变现状,但我愿意去尝试,去努力,去改变现状。也许需要一些时间,我不愿勉强你等到我梦想成真的那天,可内心还是非常坚定的希望有那么一天,幸福属于我们的那天。Baby, I not handsome, also belong to 3 without the stratum, lovely your heart is absolutely true, although it in today's society has no value. I don't know whether so-called hard really change the status quo, but I want to try, to strive, to change the status quo. Maybe need some time, I don't want to force you wait until the day my dream come true, but heart still very firm wish someday, happiness belong to our day. 我很希望将来你是我的新娘,虽然说这些还尚早,事态也变化万千,说句真实话,我对自己的信心还存于百分之50,这种事情不是注定的,所以希望与失望我无法定数。I really hope the future you is my bride, although it is too early to say these things also ever-changing, said sentence true words, my confidence in themselves also exist in 50 percent, the kind of thing that is not predestined, so hope and disappointment I cannot destiny. Baby,爱情虽然是现实社会最廉价的一种情感,请我们珍惜,让它在你我之间变的完美。Baby, love although is realistic society the cheapest kind of emotion, please we cherish, let it between you and me become perfect.
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