

发布时间:2020-07-07 23:34:01

You jump,I jump.

The best way to be happy is just to let go of everything that's making you sad. 要讓自己開心,最好

The wind blowing the hair is white. 風霜吹滿頭也算是白首

Singing here's to nerer growing up

A cat has nine lives onil in one. 貓有九命也隻有一心而已。

" I would like to meet a warmyou wander我願颠沛流離再遇見溫暖的你 "

No one and you(無人及你)

You are the one [你是唯一]

All hail to you in the heart【别來無恙 你在心上】

you are my belief,bring me power.

You are my sunshine



It's because I love you that ... I can't be selfish with you. 因爲我愛你,所以...我不能自私..

You never into play but I forfeits himself【你從未入戲 我卻賠上了自己】

(For Ever.)爲了曾經,那叫永遠。

Thank you at least once to my story. [至少謝謝你曾經來過我的故事。]

When the month is that day Did I ever seen you before.那年那月那日 我可曾見過你.

The most painful but one person was a man 最痛不過一人始一人終

Don't tell my hypocrisy, I am too lazy to perfunctory.别跟我虛僞,我懶的敷衍。

Now you are just a lesson I am learning如今你卻是我生命的過客

No one and you

Be strong , also hurt[再堅強 也會傷]

Forget, then remember it

Without you I'm going to go looking for heart of debris.(沒有了你我要去哪尋找心的殘骸)

〔 我若是男兒身 絕對比你們這幫渣會追姑娘 〕


Youth's fingertips In sorrow 青春在指尖,指尖夾雜着悲傷。


Said lies to the right ear.

Can friendship turn into love? 友情能變成愛情嗎?

Give me a pause button I'm tired(給我個暫停鍵吧 我累了)

unravelling the world【放手這個世界吧】

unravelling the world【崩壞的世界】

Hate does not feel disgusting of war. 讨厭卻不能撕破臉的感覺真惡心.

You are the one. ( 你是唯一)

you are my sunshine ,

Everyone is a moon, and has a dark side which he never shows to anybody。

In the name of your crown my name.【以你之名冠我之姓】

But you're my everything. [但是你是我的所有]

You are my lover.

Hello goodbye see

I am very poor.A piece of money Malatang can not afford to stay, I cleaned.

Don't give me arrogance.You are nothing in my eyes. Don't deceive oneself and others!

You are my sunshine,my only sunshine .

Have you is enough 【有你足矣】

When we are indifferent, not out, just see [當我們淡漠了,不是燃盡了,隻是看透了]

You jump,I jump.

The best way to be happy is just to let go of everything that's making you sad. 要让自己开心,最好

The wind blowing the hair is white. 风霜吹满头也算是白首

Singing here's to nerer growing up

A cat has nine lives onil in one. 猫有九命也只有一心而已。

" I would like to meet a warmyou wander我愿颠沛流离再遇见温暖的你 "

No one and you(无人及你)

You are the one [你是唯一]

All hail to you in the heart【别来无恙 你在心上】

you are my belief,bring me power.

You are my sunshine



It's because I love you that ... I can't be selfish with you. 因为我爱你,所以...我不能自私..

You never into play but I forfeits himself【你从未入戏 我却赔上了自己】

(For Ever.)为了曾经,那叫永远。

Thank you at least once to my story. [至少谢谢你曾经来过我的故事。]

When the month is that day Did I ever seen you before.那年那月那日 我可曾见过你.

The most painful but one person was a man 最痛不过一人始一人终

Don't tell my hypocrisy, I am too lazy to perfunctory.别跟我虚伪,我懒的敷衍。

Now you are just a lesson I am learning如今你却是我生命的过客

No one and you

Be strong , also hurt[再坚强 也会伤]

Forget, then remember it

Without you I'm going to go looking for heart of debris.(没有了你我要去哪寻找心的残骸)

〔 我若是男儿身 绝对比你们这帮渣会追姑娘 〕


Youth's fingertips In sorrow 青春在指尖,指尖夹杂着悲伤


Said lies to the right ear.

Can friendship turn into love? 友情能变成爱情吗?

Give me a pause button I'm tired(给我个暂停键吧 我累了

unravelling the world【放手这个世界吧】

unravelling the world【崩坏的世界】

Hate does not feel disgusting of war. 讨厌却不能撕破脸的感觉真恶心.

You are the one. ( 你是唯一)

you are my sunshine ,

Everyone is a moon, and has a dark side which he never shows to anybody。

In the name of your crown my name.【以你之名冠我之姓】

But you're my everything. [但是你是我的所有]

You are my lover.

Hello goodbye see

I am very poor.A piece of money Malatang can not afford to stay, I cleaned.

Don't give me arrogance.You are nothing in my eyes. Don't deceive oneself and others!

You are my sunshine,my only sunshine .

Have you is enough 【有你足矣】

When we are indifferent, not out, just see [当我们淡漠了,不是燃尽了,只是看透了]











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