发布时间:2020-07-08 00:40:10
The cross at the beginning of the age you don't want to live so much十字開頭的年齡請你好好過别想那麽
We've been here forever
You are the only love I'll need 你就是我唯一的愛
Til the end of time forever 直到時間的盡頭
And the rivers run into the sea 隻要江河還彙入大海
As long as stars shine down from heaven 隻要星星還在天國閃爍
you make my heart smile
刮獎刮出一個謝字就足夠了 感情上也一樣 沒有必要把謝謝惠顧四個字刮得幹幹淨淨才肯放手
To be something I’m not(成爲一個不一樣的我)
We fly together to wandering in the world(我們一起飛一起流浪在這個世界)
[cp]This is who I am. Nobody says you have to like it. 我就是我,沒人非要你喜歡
It's not who you are that holds you back, it's who you think you are no =
Many years later may face do not change the heart remains the same多年以後願容顔不改人心不變
Ten to one he has forgotten my love
MY dream won't come true forever.
l always miss you
So lucky to meet you
So lucky to have you
This is who I am. Nobody says you have to like it. 我就是我,沒人非要你喜歡
You jump,I jump.
Retain green last a attentive保留你最後的一絲溫存。
And lonely again. 與孤獨重歸于好
I apply to get into your life . 我希望加入你的一生。
其實大家交白卷都是年級第一 爲什麽要自相殘殺
Like to fight for, get on the treasure, Miss forget, life is actually so simple.
In this world there is always someone waiting for you. 這世上總會有一個人在等你。
boomshakalaka .
If his arms not boiling, but you also want to go to a fire, ashes you also want to go?
I want to die in your heart.
You never into play but I forfeits himself【你從未入戲 我卻賠上了自己】
Rest in the Hope. 還有希望。
please give me a reason to forget you,who loves me so much(給我一個理由忘記,那麽愛我的
I heard she did everything like a bitch.我聽說她做的所有事都向一個婊子
You are my world, but I ruined my world.——你是我的世界,我卻毀了我的世界。
I love you ,but you don't know.
I need you!You know?
I will wait for you when you come back.
As you
To the world you may be just one person,but to the person you may be the world.
I might only have one match but I can make an explosion或許我隻是劃亮一支火柴卻能爆發一陣絢爛光芒.
I will always miss you like a darling.
高中英語必修三第四單元第八個短語是:Big Bang!
Bittersweet ecstasy that you got me in你讓我沉迷這苦樂參半的幻想
You're goin' straight to my head你就萦繞在我的腦海 揮之不去
Nothing can kill me like you do沒什麽能像你這般讓我傷痛欲絕
I picked my poison and it's you我爲自己挑選的緻命毒藥就是你
I'm tired. I want to give up
The cross at the beginning of the age you don't want to live so much十字开头的年龄请你好好过别想那么
We've been here forever
You are the only love I'll need 你就是我唯一的爱
Til the end of time forever 直到时间的尽头
And the rivers run into the sea 只要江河还汇入大海
As long as stars shine down from heaven 只要星星还在天国闪烁
you make my heart smile
刮奖刮出一个谢字就足够了 感情上也一样 没有必要把谢谢惠顾四个字刮得干干净净才肯放手
To be something I’m not(成为一个不一样的我)
We fly together to wandering in the world(我们一起飞一起流浪在这个世界)
[cp]This is who I am. Nobody says you have to like it. 我就是我,没人非要你喜欢
It's not who you are that holds you back, it's who you think you are no =
Many years later may face do not change the heart remains the same多年以后愿容颜不改人心不变
Ten to one he has forgotten my love
MY dream won't come true forever.
l always miss you
So lucky to meet you
So lucky to have you
This is who I am. Nobody says you have to like it. 我就是我,没人非要你喜欢
You jump,I jump.
Retain green last a attentive保留你最后的一丝温存。
And lonely again. 与孤独重归于好
I apply to get into your life . 我希望加入你的一生。
Like to fight for, get on the treasure, Miss forget, life is actually so simple.
In this world there is always someone waiting for you. 这世上总会有一个人在等你。
boomshakalaka .
If his arms not boiling, but you also want to go to a fire, ashes you also want to go?
I want to die in your heart.
You never into play but I forfeits himself【你从未入戏 我却赔上了自己】
Rest in the Hope. 还有希望。
please give me a reason to forget you,who loves me so much(给我一个理由忘记,那么爱我的
I heard she did everything like a bitch.我听说她做的所有事都向一个婊子
You are my world, but I ruined my world.——你是我的世界,我却毁了我的世界。
I love you ,but you don't know.
I need you!You know?
I will wait for you when you come back.
As you
To the world you may be just one person,but to the person you may be the world.
I might only have one match but I can make an explosion或许我只是划亮一支火柴却能爆发一阵绚烂光芒.
I will always miss you like a darling.
Bittersweet ecstasy that you got me in你让我沉迷这苦乐参半的幻想
You're goin' straight to my head你就萦绕在我的脑海 挥之不去
Nothing can kill me like you do没什么能像你这般让我伤痛欲绝
I picked my poison and it's you我为自己挑选的致命毒药就是你
I'm tired. I want to give up