

发布时间:2020-07-09 12:09:40

好久沒這樣喜歡一個人了Not such a long time to love a person。

You are my sunshin

You are my light .

If there is if, I would rather don't want to know you.


I have been in the stray but I had never seen the sea。我一直都在流浪,可我不曾見過海洋。

Baby don't cry,everything will be ok.

when you're ready come and get it

I am so sorry,but i love you

When it hurts, squeeze my hand and I'll tell you that I love you.

I just wanna be right here with you.


i would like to do everthing for you

Never forget that you are loved.

I like you ,But just like you .

As long as we live in each other's heart, death can't keep us apart.

He is just kidding.[他隻是在開玩笑]

Do not base your happiness off someone else.[不要把你的幸福寄托在其他人身上。]

Their love is so hand but they can make it why can‘t we

I am convinced that gold is where all can shine

What kind of sunlight to warm my heart

When I miss you only to find that I miss you

Not with me why you pretended to love me long

Separate too much doubt how to hold you

Empty promises will wear

I like a dumb not to tell the truth

I love you for mylife past.我愛你,愛了整整一個曾經。

You’re my Achilles heel . [ 你是我無法抗拒的弱點。]

Expectation is the root of all heartache.(期待是所有心痛的根源)

The best time to learn how to fly is when someon.有人将你從高處推下的時候恰恰是你展翅高飛的最佳時間

I love you for my life past 我愛你愛了我整整一個曾經

I laugh at myself say repeatedly repeatedly said to love him, but I do not know him like.

fack fack

I just wanna all of you to konw that i love you all。


He is warm.

I just need someone who never lets me down。 我隻是需要一個永遠不會放棄我的人。

as lang as you

Be the actor of your own life, not a spectator of others` lives.

I'm fine you and she is also very good.我很好,你和她,也要很好.

I'll be all right (一切都會很好)

Thinking of you night ang day (日日夜夜我都在想你)

Do you know that I’m OK (你知道嗎 我過得很好)

[ Did I don't want to become you love is like.]

Don't surrender to thisdark woeld.

I love you for mylife past.我愛你,愛了整整一個曾經。

I love you for mylife past.『我愛你,愛了整整一個曾經。』


I will kill you!

好久没这样喜欢一个人了Not such a long time to love a person。

You are my sunshin

You are my light .

If there is if, I would rather don't want to know you.


I have been in the stray but I had never seen the sea。我一直都在流浪,可我不曾见过海洋。

Baby don't cry,everything will be ok.

when you're ready come and get it

I am so sorry,but i love you

When it hurts, squeeze my hand and I'll tell you that I love you.

I just wanna be right here with you.


i would like to do everthing for you

Never forget that you are loved.

I like you ,But just like you .

As long as we live in each other's heart, death can't keep us apart.

He is just kidding.[他只是在玩笑]

Do not base your happiness off someone else.[不要把你的幸福寄托在其他人身上。]

Their love is so hand but they can make it why can‘t we

I am convinced that gold is where all can shine

What kind of sunlight to warm my heart

When I miss you only to find that I miss you

Not with me why you pretended to love me long

Separate too much doubt how to hold you

Empty promises will wear

I like a dumb not to tell the truth

I love you for mylife past.我爱你,爱了整整一个曾经。

You’re my Achilles heel . [ 你是我无法抗拒的弱点。]

Expectation is the root of all heartache.(期待是所有心痛的根源)

The best time to learn how to fly is when someon.有人将你从高处推下的时候恰恰是你展翅高飞的最佳时间

I love you for my life past 我爱你爱了我整整一个曾经

I laugh at myself say repeatedly repeatedly said to love him, but I do not know him like.

fack fack

I just wanna all of you to konw that i love you all。


He is warm.

I just need someone who never lets me down。 我只是需要一个永远不会放弃我的人。

as lang as you

Be the actor of your own life, not a spectator of others` lives.

I'm fine you and she is also very good.我很好,你和她,也要很好.

I'll be all right (一切都会很好)

Thinking of you night ang day (日日夜夜我都在想你)

Do you know that I’m OK (你知道吗 我过得很好)

[ Did I don't want to become you love is like.]

Don't surrender to thisdark woeld.

I love you for mylife past.我爱你,爱了整整一个曾经。

I love you for mylife past.『我爱你,爱了整整一个曾经。』


I will kill you!











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