

发布时间:2022-02-06 01:00:02

1、Nevermind,I will find someone like you.沒關系,我會

2、How to be happy: stop comparing yourself to others. 如何才能更快樂:不要再拿自己與别人比較。


3、Genius is an infinite capacity for taking pains.所謂的天才是不斷地承受痛楚。

4、I wish that we embrace the moment is a long shot. 我多希望我們相擁的那一刻是個長鏡頭。

5、Stay up late and you're far away. 熬夜的瘾和遙遠的你。

6、In this world, only those men who really feel happy can give women happiness——在這個世界上,隻有真正快樂的男人,才能帶給女人真正的快樂。

7、Life has to have cracks in it so that the sun can shine through. 生命必須有裂縫,陽光才照得進來。

8、As a god ,you must see this. 我是守着千瘡百孔的心的膽小鬼。

9、All don't belong to me, don't impose on me 一切不屬于我的,别強加在我身上

10、Like the sun in the morning like what all can start again. 喜歡有陽光的早上,好像什麽都可以重新開始。

11、Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift 昨天已經過去,明天還沒到來。隻有今天是一份禮物。

12、When it comes to love the people, the world is most beautiful landscapes are rendered

13、Don't be such a dog to me 别在我面前裝社會 背地裏卻慫成狗

14、不要以爲世界抛棄了你,世界壓根就沒搭理過你!Don't think the world has abandoned you. The world has ignor

15、℡ 、The chains of young girl dreams in 心中的枷鎖少女夢

16、I did not stop loving you I just decidecided not to show my love. 【vs】 我沒有停止愛你,我隻是決定不再表現出來。

17、When every love comes to the end, if u look back, u will find flowers an

18、My strong will make you feel panic

19、Nicht jedes Licht kommt von der Sonne

20、Only for making me want you so badly. 隻有你才能讓我如此上瘾。

21、Your smile is so brilliant你的笑是那麽燦爛

22、The original love never leave, but I remember you forgot. 【vs】 原來愛情從來都沒有離開過,隻是我記得你卻忘記了。

23、Go most urgent, is the most beautiful scenery; hurt the most are always the most real emotions

24、You are I cannot get rid of the shadow. 你是我擺脫不了的影子。

25、Do what you say,say what you do. 做你說過的,說你能做的 。

26、Don't indulge in the past or unnecessary enthusiasm look forward to the future. 不無謂的沉迷過去也不狂熱的期待未來。

27、What's the big deal, drink a beer away sad. 也沒什麽大不了的,喝口啤酒沖走心酸。

28、Withstand much praise, you have to withstand much vilified. 經得起多少贊美,就得經得起多少诋毀。

29、May there be enough clouds in yours life to make a beautiful sunset.願你生命中有夠多的雲翳,來造成一個

30、I only hope you are my eternal lover. 我隻希望你是我永恒的愛人。

31、I didn't stop loving you.I just decided not to show my love.我沒

32、It is kind of fun to do the impossible. 去做不可能的事是一種樂趣。

33、Strong woman is will cry, but never admit defeat. 堅強的女人是會哭,但絕不會認輸。

34、It is not I don't wanna talk.But many things are safer to left untold. 不是不想說話,而是有很多話講不出來,放在心裏會安全點。

35、No one has ever escaped it sad, sad is the real demon. 【沒有人逃得過悲傷,悲傷才是真正的惡魔。】

36、Do my best, love you all. 盡我所能 愛你所有

37、i love you just the way you are. 我會按照你的方式愛你。

38、He is no longer my world, because my world collapsed. 他不再是我的世界,因爲我的世界已塌陷。

39、There's a difference between "love" and "like"、 If you like a flower you will pick it, but if you love a flower, you will water it every day、 愛與喜歡是有區别的。如果你喜歡一朵花,你會摘下它,但你要是愛它,你會澆灌它。

40、Just don't give up, Russia are then buchibuqi. 隻要不放棄,俄們便不離不棄。

41、I know I am not flattering, so I did not who is cumbersome. 我深知我不讨人喜歡,所以我不曾是誰的累贅。

42、We used to talk everyday.now it’s like we don’t even know each other anymore. 曾經我們每天都要聊天,但現在我們卻好像根本不認識一樣了。

43、None is of freedom or of life deserving unless he daily conquers it anew. 隻有每天再度戰勝生活并奪取自由的人,才配享受生活或自由。

44、Time flows slowly, the story grows slowly. 時光緩緩流淌,故事慢慢變長。

45、總有不期而遇的溫柔和生生不息的希望。 There is always unexpected tenderness and endless hope

46、No matter how far apart we are, you will always be in my heart. 不管我們相隔多遙遠,你将永遠在我心裏。

47、Things do not change,we change. 世界沒變,是我們變了



50、所有的一切從 I do not

51、If we fell in love again I swear I'd love you right.  如果可以再相愛一次,我發誓一定用合适的方式來愛你。

52、May spring breeze, the afterlife can do stray and freedom. 願來生能做春風,流浪又自由。

53、I want someone who's afraid of losing me

54、If you are fine,then it's sunny day for me!

55、Time won't ease your pain but let you get used to it. 時間不是讓人忘了痛,而是讓人習慣了痛。

56、It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are. 長大并成爲真正的自己,需要勇氣。

57、Some people, need deep and eternal remember. And some people, and need to work hard to forget. 有些人,需要刻骨銘心的記住。而有些人,需要努力的忘記。

58、Thinking too much can only cause trouble. 想太多隻會帶來麻煩。

59、If you don't let me go, I will love you forever. 隻要你不放手,我就可以愛你很久很久。

60、Sprinkle with all the tears, the rest of the should be strong. 灑下所有的淚水,剩下的應該是堅強。

1、Nevermind,I will find someone like you.没关系,我会

2、How to be happy: stop comparing yourself to others. 如何才能更快乐:不要再拿自己与别人比较。


3、Genius is an infinite capacity for taking pains.所谓的天才是不断地承受痛楚。

4、I wish that we embrace the moment is a long shot. 我多希望我们相拥的那一刻是个长镜头。

5、Stay up late and you're far away. 熬夜的瘾和遥远的你。

6、In this world, only those men who really feel happy can give women happiness——在这个世界上,只有真正快乐的男人,才能带给女人真正的快乐。

7、Life has to have cracks in it so that the sun can shine through. 生命必须有裂缝,阳光才照得进来。

8、As a god ,you must see this. 我是守着千疮百孔的心的胆小鬼。

9、All don't belong to me, don't impose on me 一切不属于我的,别强加在我身上

10、Like the sun in the morning like what all can start again. 喜欢有阳光的早上好像什么都可以重新开始。

11、Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift 昨天已经过去,明天还没到来。只有今天是一份礼物。

12、When it comes to love the people, the world is most beautiful landscapes are rendered

13、Don't be such a dog to me 别在我面前装社会 背地里却怂成狗

14、不要以为世界抛弃了你,世界压根就没搭理过你!Don't think the world has abandoned you. The world has ignor

15、℡ 、The chains of young girl dreams in 心中的枷锁少女夢

16、I did not stop loving you I just decidecided not to show my love. 【vs】 我没有停止爱你,我只是决定不再表现出来。

17、When every love comes to the end, if u look back, u will find flowers an

18、My strong will make you feel panic

19、Nicht jedes Licht kommt von der Sonne

20、Only for making me want you so badly. 只有你才能让我如此上瘾

21、Your smile is so brilliant你的笑是那么灿烂

22、The original love never leave, but I remember you forgot. 【vs】 原来爱情从来都没有离开过,只是我记得你却忘记了。

23、Go most urgent, is the most beautiful scenery; hurt the most are always the most real emotions

24、You are I cannot get rid of the shadow. 你是我摆脱不了的影子。

25、Do what you say,say what you do. 做你说过的,说你能做的 。

26、Don't indulge in the past or unnecessary enthusiasm look forward to the future. 不无谓的沉迷过去也不狂热的期待未来。

27、What's the big deal, drink a beer away sad. 也没什么大不了的,喝口啤酒冲走心酸。

28、Withstand much praise, you have to withstand much vilified. 经得起多少赞美,就得经得起多少诋毁。

29、May there be enough clouds in yours life to make a beautiful sunset.愿你生命中有够多的云翳,来造成一个

30、I only hope you are my eternal lover. 我只希望你是我永恒的爱人。

31、I didn't stop loving you.I just decided not to show my love.我没

32、It is kind of fun to do the impossible. 去做不可能的事是一种乐趣。

33、Strong woman is will cry, but never admit defeat. 坚强的女人是会哭,但绝不会认输。

34、It is not I don't wanna talk.But many things are safer to left untold. 不是不想说话,而是有很多话讲不出来,放在心里会安全点。

35、No one has ever escaped it sad, sad is the real demon. 【没有人逃得过悲伤,悲伤才是真正的恶魔。】

36、Do my best, love you all. 尽我所能 爱你所有

37、i love you just the way you are. 我会按照你的方式爱你。

38、He is no longer my world, because my world collapsed. 他不再是我的世界,因为我的世界已塌陷

39、There's a difference between "love" and "like"、 If you like a flower you will pick it, but if you love a flower, you will water it every day、 爱与喜欢是有区别的。如果你喜欢一朵花,你会摘下它,但你要是爱它,你会浇灌它。

40、Just don't give up, Russia are then buchibuqi. 只要不放弃,俄们便不离不弃

41、I know I am not flattering, so I did not who is cumbersome. 我深知我不讨人喜欢,所以我不曾是谁的累赘。

42、We used to talk everyday.now it’s like we don’t even know each other anymore. 曾经我们每天都要聊天,但现在我们却好像根本认识一样了。

43、None is of freedom or of life deserving unless he daily conquers it anew. 只有每天再度战胜生活并夺取自由的人,才配享受生活或自由。

44、Time flows slowly, the story grows slowly. 时光缓缓流淌,故事慢慢变长。

45、总有不期而遇的温柔和生生不息的希望。 There is always unexpected tenderness and endless hope

46、No matter how far apart we are, you will always be in my heart. 不管我们相隔多遥远,你将永远在我心里。

47、Things do not change,we change. 世界没变,是我们变了



50、所有的一切从 I do not

51、If we fell in love again I swear I'd love you right.  如果可以再相爱一次,我发誓一定用合适的方式来爱你。

52、May spring breeze, the afterlife can do stray and freedom. 愿来生能做春风,流浪又自由。

53、I want someone who's afraid of losing me

54、If you are fine,then it's sunny day for me!

55、Time won't ease your pain but let you get used to it. 时间不是让人忘了痛,而是让人习惯了痛。

56、It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are. 长大并成为真正的自己,需要勇气。

57、Some people, need deep and eternal remember. And some people, and need to work hard to forget. 有些人,需要刻骨铭心的记住。而有些人,需要努力的忘记。

58、Thinking too much can only cause trouble. 想太多只会带来麻烦。

59、If you don't let me go, I will love you forever. 只要你不放手,我就可以爱你很久很久。

60、Sprinkle with all the tears, the rest of the should be strong. 洒下所有的泪水,剩下的应该是坚强。

失恋绝望的微信个性签名 喜欢他的时候


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上一篇:失恋绝望的微信个性签名 喜欢他的时候

