

发布时间:2022-06-15 14:55:02

1、Although I am not the best, but I just do myself 【我雖然不是最好的,但我隻做自己】

2、I always in the deepest despair, meet the most beautiful surprise. 我總在最深的絕望裏,遇見最美麗的驚喜。

3、can you feel my word 真實的我沒辦法僞造 can you take my hands 真誠你會感覺到

4、Sometimes, tears are easier to express than words.. 有時候,眼淚比語言更容易表達感受。

5、Sleep away the sadness of today.去睡覺,把今天的各種悲傷難過都睡走!

6、If you’re alone, I’ll be your shadow.If you want to cry, I’ll be your shoulder. ——你若獨行,我必相随;你若哭泣,我必相依。

7、I don't have to open my eyes. I'm not your tears. 還沒開口就淚水盈眶的人是我不是你

8、Life sucks, but worth fighting for. 有時失去是讓你更懂得珍惜。

9、Only for making me want you so badly. 【vs】 隻有你才能讓我如此上瘾。

10、Have you is enough. 有你足矣

11、You are my lover. You are my dearest

12、I desire to grow old with you without paying. (多想一個不小心,就跟你白頭到老。)

13、One should love animals They are so tasty 每個人都應該熱愛動物,因爲它們很好吃。

14、Memory is a kind of inner rumor. 回憶,是一種内心的謠言。

15、Time unconsciously, we realise later after sleep. Time a little loss, the heart of silent hurts. 時間不知不覺,我們後知後覺。時間一點點流失,心默默的疼。

16、My world only you then you have my shadow. 我的世界隻有你,那麽你的世界有我的影子嗎。

17、Loveisafirewhichburnsunseen 愛情是無形燃燒的火焰。

18、I am on your side

19、The sea is not blue, I would not be. 海不會不藍,我不會不在。

20、Well, not that emotion

21、Whatever is worth doing is worth doing well. 任何值得做的事就值得把它做好!


22、What you see reflects what your heart is like. 你看到什麽樣的世界,你就擁有什麽樣的内心. I just want to hug you so much right now. 我真的好想現在就擁抱你

23、Hid himself in the corner, thinking that one sentence everlasting (躲在角落裏,想着那一句天荒地老)

24、You should take medicine

25、Sometimes, you're missing someone so much, but when that somebody shows up, you do nothing. 有時候,日夜思念。可是當思念的人出現在眼前,你卻安之若素。

26、Heartbreaking broken line, falling between the Galaxy in the distant. 心碎的斷了線,墜落在遙遠的銀河間。

27、I learn to strong, strong enough to don't learn to don't want to, learn to forget. 我學着堅強,堅強到不用學着不想,學着遺忘。

28、Strangers into a self-inflicted. 形同陌路變成自找。

29、There are steps to happiness: you ,me ,our hearts,together! 通往幸福隻需要四步:你、我、我們的心、在一起。

30、We just met not to start 我們隻是相遇未曾開始

31、Ho un felice andare fuori, ma come non sono venuto a sentire

32、Life is a wounded recover the continuous improvement of process 生命是一個不斷受傷 不斷複原 不斷進步的過程。

33、Distance doesn't matter if two hearts are loyal to each other. 如果兩顆心忠于彼此,那距離就不重要了。

34、I'm not afraid of pain. If your love is not strong

35、Sometimes turned away is better than nothing. 有時候轉身離開好過若無其事的堅強。

36、The wind blows like flowers of the time. 風吹着如花般破碎的流年。

37、When tears do, leave should be strong. 當眼淚流盡的時候,留下的應該是堅強。

38、I can’t live without you 我不想一個人

39、All our memories,bowing in the wind.我們的記憶,随風飄去。

40、Even next second we didn't meet, on one second we will meet. 即使下一秒我們沒有相遇,上一秒我們也會相見。

41、Please be kind, no matter how cold the world is. 請你善良,無論這世界多冷漠

42、I just quietly take you as my life. 我隻是悄悄的把你當成我的生命。

43、I hope you always find a reason to smile. 我希望你永遠都能找到讓自己微笑的理由。

44、Time will run out of a person's all enthusiasm. 時間會耗盡一個人的所有熱情。

45、Anything could not have passed, I do not believe happiness, I believe you. 沒有什麽過不去,我不相信幸福,我相信你。

46、Your name is so ordinary but it affects my mood all round

47、One thorn of experience is worth a whole wilderness of warning. 一次痛徹心扉的經曆,抵得上千百次的告誡。

48、Smoking woman is enchanting, because her heart hidden in countless sentimental. 抽煙的女子很妖娆,因爲她心中藏着無數的感傷。

49、The world is full of beautiful things, just waiting to be discovered. 這個世界充滿了美好的事物,隻是在等着被發現。

50、Always in the deepest despair, saw the most beautiful scenery. 總是在最深的絕望裏,看見最美的風景。

51、I loved you...truly,deeply did...and suddenly,I felt nothing. 我愛過你,真的、深深的愛過,但突然,所有感覺都沒了。

52、All things come to those who wait. 蒼天不負有心人

53、I've been waiting my whole life. I just don't know what the hell for. 我這一生都在等待着,隻是不知道到底在等誰。

54、Wise man have their mouths in their hearts, fools have their hearts in their mouths—

55、The love we give away is the only love we keep. 我們付出的愛是我們唯一長久擁有的愛。

56、bitch is so bitch 賤人就是矯情

57、You can only live brilliantly if you know how to love yourself

58、Everyday and in every way I''''m getting better每天每個方面我的生活都正在好轉。

59、I wish you loved me . 但願你愛過我

60、There is always a time in life, full of fear, but in addition to the courage to face, we have no choice

61、The world's most easily forgotten thing, is love. 世界上最容易被忘記的東西,就是愛情。

62、Where are you? We have more than a long future? 你在哪裏?我們隔着多遠的未來?

1、Although I am not the best, but I just do myself 【我虽然不是最好的,但我只做自己】

2、I always in the deepest despair, meet the most beautiful surprise. 我总在最深的绝望里,遇见最美丽的惊喜

3、can you feel my word 真实的我没办法伪造 can you take my hands 真诚你会感觉到

4、Sometimes, tears are easier to express than words.. 有时候,眼泪比语言更容易表达感受。

5、Sleep away the sadness of today.去睡觉,把今天的各种悲伤难过都睡走!

6、If you’re alone, I’ll be your shadow.If you want to cry, I’ll be your shoulder. ——你若独行,我必相随;你若哭泣,我必相依。

7、I don't have to open my eyes. I'm not your tears. 还没开口泪水盈眶的人是我不是你

8、Life sucks, but worth fighting for. 有时失去是让你更懂得珍惜。

9、Only for making me want you so badly. 【vs】 只有你才能让我如此上瘾

10、Have you is enough. 有你足矣

11、You are my lover. You are my dearest

12、I desire to grow old with you without paying. (多想一个不小心,就跟你白头到老。)

13、One should love animals They are so tasty 每个人都应该热爱动物,因为它们很好吃

14、Memory is a kind of inner rumor. 回忆,是一种内心的谣言

15、Time unconsciously, we realise later after sleep. Time a little loss, the heart of silent hurts. 时间不知不觉,我们后知后觉。时间一点点流失,心默默的疼。

16、My world only you then you have my shadow. 我的世界只有你,那么你的世界有我的影子吗。

17、Loveisafirewhichburnsunseen 爱情是无形燃烧火焰

18、I am on your side

19、The sea is not blue, I would not be. 海不会不蓝,我不会不在。

20、Well, not that emotion

21、Whatever is worth doing is worth doing well. 任何值得做的事就值得把它做好!


22、What you see reflects what your heart is like. 你看到什么样的世界,你就拥有什么样的内心. I just want to hug you so much right now. 我真的好想现在就拥抱

23、Hid himself in the corner, thinking that one sentence everlasting (躲在角落里,想着那一句天荒地老

24、You should take medicine

25、Sometimes, you're missing someone so much, but when that somebody shows up, you do nothing. 有时候,日夜思念。可是当思念的人出现在眼前,你却安之若素。

26、Heartbreaking broken line, falling between the Galaxy in the distant. 心碎的断了线,坠落在遥远的银河间。

27、I learn to strong, strong enough to don't learn to don't want to, learn to forget. 我学着坚强,坚强到不用学着不想,学着遗忘

28、Strangers into a self-inflicted. 形同陌路变成自找。

29、There are steps to happiness: you ,me ,our hearts,together! 通往幸福只需要四步:你、我、我们的心、在一起

30、We just met not to start 我们只是相遇未曾开始

31、Ho un felice andare fuori, ma come non sono venuto a sentire

32、Life is a wounded recover the continuous improvement of process 生命是一个不断受伤 不断复原 不断进步的过程。

33、Distance doesn't matter if two hearts are loyal to each other. 如果两颗心忠于彼此,那距离就不重要了。

34、I'm not afraid of pain. If your love is not strong

35、Sometimes turned away is better than nothing. 有时候转身离开好过若无其事的坚强。

36、The wind blows like flowers of the time. 风吹着如花般破碎的流年。

37、When tears do, leave should be strong. 当眼泪流尽的时候,留下的应该是坚强。

38、I can’t live without you 我不想一个人

39、All our memories,bowing in the wind.我们的记忆,随风飘去。

40、Even next second we didn't meet, on one second we will meet. 即使下一秒我们没有相遇,上一秒我们也会相见。

41、Please be kind, no matter how cold the world is. 请你善良,无论这世界多冷漠

42、I just quietly take you as my life. 我只是悄悄的把你当成我的生命。

43、I hope you always find a reason to smile. 我希望你永远都能找到让自己微笑的理由。

44、Time will run out of a person's all enthusiasm. 时间会耗尽一个人的所有热情。

45、Anything could not have passed, I do not believe happiness, I believe you. 没有什么过不去,我不相信幸福,我相信你。

46、Your name is so ordinary but it affects my mood all round

47、One thorn of experience is worth a whole wilderness of warning. 一次痛彻心扉的经历,抵得上千百次的告诫。

48、Smoking woman is enchanting, because her heart hidden in countless sentimental. 抽烟的女子很妖娆,因为她心中藏着无数的感伤。

49、The world is full of beautiful things, just waiting to be discovered. 这个世界充满了美好的事物,只是在等着被发现。

50、Always in the deepest despair, saw the most beautiful scenery. 总是在最深的绝望里,看见最美的风景。

51、I loved you...truly,deeply did...and suddenly,I felt nothing. 我爱过你,真的、深深的爱过,但突然,所有感觉都没了。

52、All things come to those who wait. 苍天不负有心人

53、I've been waiting my whole life. I just don't know what the hell for. 我这一生都在等待着,只是不知道到底在等谁。

54、Wise man have their mouths in their hearts, fools have their hearts in their mouths—

55、The love we give away is the only love we keep. 我们付出的爱是我们唯一长久拥有的爱。

56、bitch is so bitch 贱人就是矫情

57、You can only live brilliantly if you know how to love yourself

58、Everyday and in every way I''''m getting better每天每个方面我的生活都正在好转。

59、I wish you loved me . 但愿你爱过我

60、There is always a time in life, full of fear, but in addition to the courage to face, we have no choice

61、The world's most easily forgotten thing, is love. 世界上最容易被忘记的东西,就是爱情。

62、Where are you? We have more than a long future? 你在哪里?我们隔着多远的未来?







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